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We are upholding the integrity of the sport.

1. Purpose;

  1. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate an environment in which the reporting of any instances of suspected misconduct or cheating is guided within the community. 

  2. This policy intends to help deter misconduct, and ensure both disclosures, and individuals who disclose, are considered appropriately and fairly.

  3. The policy furthers this purpose by outlining:

    1. Who can report a case of misconduct;

    2. How to report a case of misconduct;

    3. Who will review cases of misconduct;

    4. How cases of misconduct will be investigated;

    5. Expected penalties for proven cases of misconduct;

    6. How penalties will be applied and notified

  4. As outlined in 5.2. teams will lose the right to submit further reports of misconduct for the remainder of the season if their case does not have sufficient evidence.

2. Who can report a case of misconduct;

  1. You can report a case of misconduct if you are;

    1. A captain of one of the teams involved in the game of the case.

    2. In an instance where the captain was not attending that game, a player can report by proxy and approval of their captain.

  2. You should report a case of misconduct if you are;

    1. Confident of the video evidence;

    2. Believe the other team has cheated;

      1. Cheating can be classified as (but not limited to);

        1. A player not honouring an elimination (i.e. not taking an out);

        2. A player re-entering the field of play without a catch occurring;

        3. An incorrect player intentionally re-entering the field of play upon a catch;

        4. A player stepping on or over a boundary line, and with full knowledge (i.e. looks at own feet) continues to play on.

  3. League Managers and Owners also have a right to report a case of misconduct if they believe a game has been affected.

    1. Managers and owners will do so to ensure the league is playing fairly, and will not report a case unless there is a legitimate concern.

    2. If a case is initiated, the person(s) reporting will not be able to assess the case and the process will follow 4.2. and a replacement will be sourced for the panel review.

3. How to report a case of misconduct;

  1. As we require evidence of misconduct, you can only submit a review from games that have been recorded and uploaded publicly from Adelaide Dodgeball. These can be found on the Adelaide Dodgeball Youtube Channel.

    1. Only video footage provided by Adelaide Dodgeball is accepted.

  2. To submit a misconduct report you must email to the following information;

    1. Reporter’s Full Name

    2. Reporters Email

    3. Person(s) involved in misconduct incident’s name (If known, otherwise a description is acceptable)

    4. Video Timestamp(s)

      1. Multiple instances will be reviewed as one case as long as it’s within the same game.

    5. Description of misconduct incident

  3. Cases will only be reviewed if the report is submitted within fourteen (14) days of the video being publicly available.

4. Who will review cases of misconduct;

  1. The Review Panel will consist of the three (3) Adelaide Dodgeball owners

    1. Jacques Ryan

    2. Rosie Everett

    3. Jess Maddeford

  2. In a case that one of the owners is subject to a misconduct review, they will be replaced by either a league manager or the referee that officiated the game.

5. How cases of misconduct will be investigated;

  1. The Review Panel must have unanimous agreement that there is sound evidence of misconduct for penalties to apply;

    1. Advice; Ensure that video submissions are clear to you before submitting for review.

  2. If there is not a unanimous agreement then the case will not proceed.

    1. If a reported case of misconduct is found to not have sufficient evidence and will not proceed, the team that reported will lose the right to report any other cases for the remainder of that season.

    2. Advice; Submit a case only if completely confident of the evidence you are submitting.

  3. The panel will scale the penalty based on the player's experience (i.e. As newer players will still be learning the rules, they will not be penalised to the same degree of severity as players of greater experience.

6. Expected penalties for proven cases of misconduct;

  1. Any players found to have a proven case of misconduct will have their team’s game result reduced by at least 1 point.

  2. Further penalties may apply depending on severity. Some other penalties you may expect are;

    1. Suspension;

    2. A red card on the player;

    3. A red card on the team;

    4. A yellow card on the player;

    5. A yellow card on the team;

    6. Further point reductions to the game result.

7. How penalties will be applied and notified;

  1. If there isn’t sufficient evidence;

    1. The reporter/captain will be notified by email that their case will not proceed and that they have forfeited any further reports for the remainder of the season.

    2. The accused teams or players will not be informed.

  2. If there is sufficient evidence and a unanimous vote;

    1. The reporter/captain will be notified by email that their case has proceeded;

    2. Any penalties to the accused will apply immediately;

    3. The captain of the accused will be informed of the report and the penalties by email;

    4. Management will be informed of the report and the penalties so that they can monitor any penalties that may apply to their league.

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